[07] Advancement on the Pre Alpha test - June the 19th

Hello guys, today I try a new format for the weekly devlog post. I'll try to make shorter articles but at a frequency of two per week.

New Features 

  • Circular health bar in fight
  • vertical progress bar showing the progression of the Infection on dead humans
  • Humans with guns!

Pre Alpha Test advancement

The Pre Alpha version is finally arriving! The date has not been decided yet but it will be around the beginning of July.
For this Pre Alpha test I'll need some testers, It will be a closed alpha so I'll keep you updated about that, how you can register etc... very exciting isn't it? ;D
The goal of this Pre Alpha is to be short, easy to understand and regrouping the core mechanics / core gameplay of the game. So I can gather feedback and improve the game on top of that.


Don't forget to follow the devlog, and my twitter to get fresh updates on the game ;)

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